USDA Releases Final Traceability Rule

April 30, 2024

USDA released its final traceability rule last week, which amends a 2013 rule requiring sexually intact cattle 18 months of age or older, rodeo and exhibition cattle, and dairy cattle moving interstate to have an official form of animal identification. The previous rule instituted visual ID tags for interstate movement. The new rule switches to the use of electronic ID tags, which are easier to read and would yield a faster traceability response in the case of a foreign animal disease outbreak.  

“Our industry faces a tremendous threat from the risk of a future foreign animal disease on American soil,” said NCBA President Mark Eisele, a rancher from Wyoming. “To avoid devastating financial losses during a potential outbreak and to help producers quickly return to commerce, we need an efficient animal disease traceability system.”   

Only 11% of the U.S. cattle herd will be impacted by the new rule, which will not take effect for six months to provide time for producers to prepare. NCBA worked to secure $15 million in funding for producers to reduce the cost of implementing this change. Eisele said the association also remains committed to safeguarding producers’ private data and continuing to reduce the cost of ear tags for farmers and ranchers.